Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have discovered something that the cancer industry would prefer you don’t know …
If you’re worried about skin cancer but you don’t want to slather yourself in toxic sunscreen before heading outdoors, you …
Good nutrition not only prevents certain diseases, it can be used to fight them off as well. With the American …
Gallbladder stones are the crystalline formations that develop in the biliary tract, which vary in size and chemical composition. The condition is …
When people are faced with a serious ailment, their tendency is to go to a hospital and have themselves checked …
By now, most of us are aware that eating foods like processed meat can cause colorectal cancer, but are there …
If you’ve been pulling up and tossing aside dandelions, stop. You’re basically throwing away one of nature’s greatest gifts to …
On the surface, you might think inflammation isn’t such a big deal. It might not sound like a walk in …
Brain and other nervous system cancers are the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, killing over 16,000 …
Big Pharma is at it again: Taking a naturally occurring, freely available and inexpensive commodity, and creating a “chemical,” patentable …
Originating from the Himalayan mountain ranges, Kala Namak or Indian black salt is a highly-prized condiment that is actually purple or …
You can easily grow this blue superfood in your home. Yes, you read that right. The highly-touted “happy food” can …
A vast number of studies have demonstrated purslane’s efficacy in reducing blood cholesterol levels. As reported by OfftheGridNews.com, the plant is actually …
A new animal study showed that 500g of concentrated strawberry extract (equivalent to around 10 and 15 strawberries) can reduce …