Check out these home remedies and ‘old wives’ cures using baking soda

( In a world awash with pharmaceutical drugs for everything from dandruff to toenail fungus, it’s refreshing to have do-it-yourself home remedies and trusted old wives cures to heal a wide range of ailments. Baking soda is a staple in most homes and is useful for cooking, cleaning and in many home remedies. Although it’s safe when used as directed, baking soda can cause side effects. Read the warning section below and check with your healthcare practitioner before using baking soda home remedies.

Old wives cures

— Baking soda is the best home remedy for whitening teeth. Sprinkle a little on your toothbrush; brush and rinse as usual.
— Gargle with baking soda and water to freshen your breath.
— Prevent acne, remove excess facial oil and dead skin with a baking soda scrub. Mix 1 tbs. baking soda with 1 tsp. water and rub gently on your face.
— Make a foot soak to relive itching, soreness and odor. Mix 3 tbs. baking soda, 1 tbs. peppermint essential oil, 1 tbs. salt and warm water and soak for 20 minutes.
— Apply to skin to relieve bee stings, insect bites, itching from poison ivy, oak and sumac. Mix baking soda with water into a thick paste for stings, or make a thin wash to use with a compress.
— Apply a paste of baking soda and water to canker sores and herpes lesions to dry them up quickly.
— Drink a mixture of baking soda and water to relieve muscle pain after strenuous exercise.
— Sprinkle baking soda on a damp nail brush and scrub nails to remove grime and kill nail fungus.

Home remedies for acidity

— Mix 1/2 tsp. baking soda in 16 oz. water and drink to relieve heartburn, acid reflux and GERD symptoms.
— Mix 1/4 – 1/2 tsp. baking soda with 2 tbs. fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar to relieve acid reflux and create an alkaline-forming environment in your body. It will foam and fizz, so use a tall glass and wait for all bubbling to stop. Then add 8 oz. water and drink all at once. This mixture neutralizes the pH, buffers stomach acid and reduces acidosis.

More baking soda home remedies

— Douche with a mixture of 1 tbs. mixed with warm water to kill candida yeast and stop itching.
— Gargle with the baking soda and water mixture to remove oral thrush.
— Treat a urinary tract infection by drinking an 8 oz. glass of water mixed with 1/2 tsp. baking soda once or twice a day.
— Relieve a thrombosis by drinking the mixture of baking soda and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar mentioned above.
— Use a mixture of baking soda and molasses to prevent systemic fungal infections and protect against diabetes and cancer. In his book, Sodium Bicarbonate, Dr. Mark Sircus discusses the findings of Dr. Tullio Simoncini with regards to cancer being a yeast overgrowth and explores treatment protocols with baking soda.


Baking soda home remedies may deplete your body of essential minerals and vitamins. It should not be used on a low sodium diet unless under supervision. In some instances, it may interact with prescription drugs, so check first with your pharmacist. Only use baking soda after it’s been dissolved in liquid and never consume it in dry powder form. Do not use baking soda home remedies for more than a two week period without checking with your healthcare practitioner. Baking soda should not be used by pregnant or nursing women or by children under the age of 5.

By JB Bardot, Natural News

HRS - Organic Schizandra

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