Researchers have known for decades that cannabis kills cancer cells… yet the cover-up continues

After decades of attempts to find a cure for cancer and billions of dollars spent on cancer research, we are still fighting the war on this disease. While heart disease remains the number one killer of Americans, cancer is rapidly catching up. With so much money and time having gone into cancer research, one may ask why finding a solution is taking so long. To tell you the truth, scientists may have found several natural cancer cures decades ago – one of them being cannabis oil.

Since as early as 1974, researchers have known that THC, the active chemical in cannabis, shrinks or destroys tumors in rodents. Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia found that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice: lung and breast cancer, as well as virus-induced leukemia. Without any mention in the mainstream media, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) quickly shut down the study and destroyed its results.

Cannabinoids in marijuana proven to inhibit tumor growth and kill cancer cells

Years later, researchers in Madrid confirmed these early results after successfully destroying incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with cannabinoids. They found that THC inhibits the growth of blood vessels that supply glucose to tumors, thereby halting tumor growth and prompting cancer cells to die-off.

To test for harmful biochemical or neurological effects, the Spanish researchers, led by Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense University, also administered large doses of THC to healthy rats. They found no adverse health effects. Again, no major U.S. newspapers ran this groundbreaking news.

There are still a lot of uncertainties about whether vaporizing or ingesting cannabis oil in combination with lifestyle and diet changes can be used as an alternative cancer treatment. But with many testimonials from those who have been helped, and several attempts to get cannabis oil allowed through the court system, the world might reach a conclusion soon.

Two large hospitals in Israel – Sheba and Abarbanel – are involved in successful human clinical trials and treatments with cannabis for several maladies, according to Organic and Healthy.

As with many other promising natural treatments for cancer, research moves slowly, as the pharmaceutical cancer industry, backed up by governments, isn’t too keen on shutting down its multi-billion dollar chemotherapy business. They will do anything in their power to withhold the public from other, less damaging and cheaper cures. (RELATED: Learn more about cancer solutions at

Could cannabis oil be a safer cancer treatment for children too?

While it is not recommended to feed your baby cannabis oil, a few years ago, cannabinoid oil reduced the massive, centrally located and inoperable brain tumor of an 8-month-old within two months. The child’s father kept pushing Dr. William Courtney, who was quite skeptical about cannabis treatments, for non-traditional treatments based on marijuana. The baby was given cannabis oil via his pacifier, and was completely cured within eight months, as reported by Organic and Healthy.

After seeing the astonishing results with his own eyes, Dr. Courtney pointed out that the success of the cannabis approach means that children and adults no longer need to undergo the cruelties of surgery and long-term side effects that come from very high doses of chemotherapy or radiation.

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