Destroy your army, lose the war – the lowdown on fighting cancer and why so many Americans lose the fight from day one

Beating or preventing cancer is a war of attrition. By continually and systematically reducing and eliminating chemicals from your food, water, personal care products, supplements, medicine, and the air you breathe daily, your good cells defeat the bad cells and you live cancer free. It’s no easy task, and it certainly can’t be accomplished overnight, but for the health enthusiasts who know what to eat and especially what not to eat, cancer isn’t really much of a concern at all. Ultimately, the worst thing you can do that opens the floodgates for cancer to invade and take over your body is to weaken or destroy your immune system. Good gut bacteria is the seat of your biological defense against cancer, and to wipe out your gut flora with soda, vaccines, flu shots, fast food, GMOs, and chemotherapy is just inviting cancer cells to divide, multiply, and invade your cleansing organs.

Why are lung, liver, kidney, and pancreatic cancers so lethal, with such low human survival rates?

The first thing to note is that no doctor has ever cured anyone of cancer.  Only the human immune system has to power to heal you of any disease.  Therefore, if you have survived cancer, please realize that it wasn’t the doctor, the medicine, the chemotherapy, or the radiation that saved your life.  Your immune system is what healed you of cancer.

Similarly, when you get a cold, flu, pneumonia, virus, or bacterial infection, your immune system mounts an attack using fever, mucus, inflammation, and other natural tools to defeat it.

The immune system is the first line of defense against cancer cells, so when you take antibiotics that wipe out good gut bacteria, you’re empowering cancer cells. When you go through chemotherapy, even the stuff that targets cancer cells specifically, you’re crippling your immune system and flooding the blood with chemicals, and that’s why chemotherapy leads to other cancers in the body.

When someone gets cancer of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or pancreas, it’s because those cleansing organs have been overwhelmed with chemicals for years on end, unable to do their job, which ironically is to filter chemicals from the body. Once the main body “filters” are filthy, clogged and infected, a good dose of chemotherapy could be the end of you. Then, if cancer reaches the lymph nodes, they function like a catapult, and many doctors will simply send their patients “home to die.”

No matter your stage of cancer, organic food may save you, and be your best odds of survival and permanent remission

What strengthens the immune system better than anything else on planet earth? Whole, raw, organic produce provides the minerals, vitamins, nutrients, enzymes, and thus fosters good gut bacteria. Alkalizing the body is of vital importance to beating cancer, as most people suffering from cancer have acidic systems that have been that way for extended periods of time. Hospital food and prescription medications are a formula for more cancer and a mostly acidic, low pH system.

An acidic body means a compromised immune system, which can’t do its job properly to beat back cancer and kill free radicals in the body. People need to supplement with probiotics and amino acids.

“Every cancer patient has a compromised immune system. Patients will not survive if their immune system is not stimulated.” – Ben Johnson, MD, NMD, DO, Truth About Cancer

The problem with chemo is that it only targets the non-stem cells, not cancer stem cells

Radiation and “chemo” only target non-stem cells that form the bulk of typical cancer tumors, which can reduce tumor size, but does nothing to eradicate cancer stem cells. This is when oncologists send you home and say “we got it!” The problem is that the immune system is incapacitated by the chemical based drugs that are continually prescribed to the patient, and the cancer stem cells go on living, often becoming even more active and more aggressive.

Eventually, the patient goes back to the oncologist for “follow up” exams just to “make sure we got everything,” and that’s when the doctors often find a recurrence or “metastases.” Will those doctors ever blame the chemotherapy and pharmaceuticals for killing your good gut bacteria and crippling your immune system? Hell no. They’d lose their license to practice medicine. The AMA, FDA and CDC would come in and shut them down faster that you can say “seek natural remedies.”

Enhancing the immune system naturally gives any human the very best odds of beating cancer and preventing relapses

There are many ways to enhance the human immune system and eradicate cancer stem cells. There are nutritional programs that have been proven to attack cancer stem cells and bolster the immune system at the same time. Red berries and green tea extract are great examples. High doses of vitamin C and D are other great examples. Without proper nutrition, it’s like your body is going to war without any weapons against an enemy who’s heavily armed with biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction–like chemotherapy, artificial sweeteners, MSG, flu shots, prescription medications, tap water, soda, hydrogenated oils, GMOs and chemical-laden gluten, just to name a few.

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, your first order of business is to “do no harm” and consult with a Naturopathic Physician who can closely examine everything you’ve been eating, drinking and putting on your skin. Remember, your immune system is your best defense against cancer, so you better check with doctors who have degrees in nutrition!



