Singing in the shower every morning will make you happy, experts say

It’s time to awaken your inner rock star every time you get out of bed. In an article on, clinical hypnotherapist Dipti Tait and life coach Sam Sahota recommend singing in the shower as a great morning mood booster, naming it as one of seven healthy morning habits people must do daily. According to the article, singing in the shower is an easy, no-fail way to improve one’s mood and put one in a proper state of mind to charge into the day ahead.

Benefits of belting out

The benefits of singing have long been a matter of interest for scientists and musicians alike. Aside from the instant satisfaction one feels when they hit all the high notes, singing also has physical benefits — particularly for the cardiovascular system.

In an article on, Professor Graham Welch, Music Education Chair at the University of London, explained that as an aerobic activity, singing can increase oxygen in the blood stream.

Meanwhile, another study by researchers from the University of Gothenburg has found that singing also helps improve lung function to a degree. “Song is a form of regular, controlled breathing, since breathing out occurs on the song phrases and inhaling takes place between these,” study lead Dr. Bjorn Vickhoff said in an article on “It gives you pretty much the same effect as yoga breathing. It helps you relax, and there are indications that it does provide a heart benefit.”

In addition to the physical benefits, singing can also help improve one’s mental health by providing relief from stress. According to an article on, mental health experts also turn to the psychological benefits of singing by asking their patients to sing their negative thoughts out loud.

The medical power of singing is so great that it has even been found to help restore the speaking abilities of stroke patients. In a study done by researchers from the Harvard Medical School, patients who taught to put simple words to melodies were able to speak a full sentence in just one session.

More ways to make the most of your mornings

Of course, singing is not the only way to start the day right. Tait and Sahota named six other habits that can help anyone — from full-time employees to stay-at-home-moms — have a happier life.

Thinking of people you love may be one of the quirkier habits on the list, but it is no less beneficial. Doing so helps facilitate the release of oxytocin — the “love hormone” which helps decrease anxiety and increase empathy.

Reading is another unexpected morning habit mentioned by experts. Many studies have spoken about the benefits of reading. For instance, a story on cited a study by the Rush University Medical Center which found that reading and other intellectual activities helped slow cognitive decline in those who engaged in them. In other words, the act of reading helps the brain stay young.

Goal setting, according to Tait and Sahota, is also a great way to start the day. Writing down goals in the morning is like creating a blueprint for how the rest of your day will go.  Doing this can improve focus and productivity through out the day.

Meditation and exercise were also recommended as daily morning habits by the experts. Yoga — which involves both — was suggested as an ideal morning exercise. Known for being an efficient stress reliever, yoga also has physical effects that include weight loss, lowered cholesterol, and detoxification. The deep breathing it involves is also known to improve lung health, while the poses build strength and flexibility.

Finally, the experts pointed to an oldie (but goodie) when it comes to morning habits: drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. According to them, this can help re-hydrate your body and flush out toxins accumulated from the night before.

Learn more about which habits are healthy for you on

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