Why the cancer industry doesn’t want you to learn the truth about anti-cancer foods: Combination of apple peel, turmeric root and grape skins found to BEAT prostate cancer

Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have discovered something that the cancer industry would prefer you don’t know about: A combination of natural, everyday foods can help prevent the growth of prostate cancer.

While past studies have looked at the potential of individual foods to help the fight against this disease, the new study took a novel approach by screening a number of plant-based chemicals and exploring how well the most promising ones work together. The researchers discovered that eating a combination of red grapes, apples and turmeric can help protect men against developing prostate cancer.

To reach their conclusions, the researchers tested 142 natural compounds using cell lines from mice and humans to determine which could inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. The three magical ingredients were the ursolic acid found in apple peels as well as rosemary, the resveratrol found in red grapes and berries, and the curcumin found in turmeric. The curcumin and resveratrol combine with the ursolic acid to prevent cancer cells from using glutamine to grow.

UT Austin Assistant Professor Stefano Tiziani said this good news was made even better by the fact that the combination inhibited tumor growth in mice without any toxicity. However, he pointed out that the concentrations of these ingredients were a lot higher than the amounts most people get through their diets. Nevertheless, the ability to create a natural course of treatment with these readily available foods is highly positive when you consider the side effects from traditional cancer drugs and chemotherapy.

Prostate cancer is currently the second most common cancer among men, affecting one out of every seven American men. It is expected that there will be around 161,360 new cases of the illness in the U.S. this year and around 26,730 deaths. With around one out of every 39 men dying of the disease, it is vital to find a safe way to treat the disease and possibly even prevent it from occurring in the first place.

Start eating more beneficial foods today

Even though the study used higher concentrations, there are plenty of good reasons to work these foods into your current diet and doing so is not difficult. Turmeric is delicious in curry dishes, and some people even eat it on its own mixed with a bit of milk. That’s because it needs to be consumed with a small amount of fat for it to be absorbed.

Some people turn to supplements to increase their intake of turmeric. Unfortunately, a lot of supplements on the market are contaminated with lead, so it’s important to use a trusted source when buying this incredibly beneficial spice.

Apples contain cancer-fighting ingredients like quercetin and pectin. The flavonoids in apples also protect your heart and your arteries from hardening. Remember to buy organic apples, or better yet, grow your own, to avoid toxic pesticides.

Red grapes, meanwhile, are packed with polyphenols and antioxidants and have been linked to a lower risk of hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Again, seek out organic red grapes or you could simply be trading one type of cancer for another.

Remember that these foods need to be eaten together to help your prostate, so slice up some organic red grapes and apples and use them as the basis for a healthy salad atop spinach or other organic greens. Walnuts and green onions work well with these flavors, but you can add whatever healthy, organic ingredients you’d like, then top it with a simple dressing of curry and olive oil with a crack of black pepper to reap the benefits!





