Drug-free methods to protecting kidney function

When people think of life-threatening diseases, the first thing that comes to mind is either heart disease or cancer. While both remain to be the leading causes of death in the U.S., it’s interesting to note that deaths from these two have actually fallen in recent years.

However, according to a study from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System, the burden of chronic kidney disease, as well as its mortality rate, has risen at an alarming rate. In just 15 years, the probability of deaths related to kidney disease has increased substantially in all 50 states. In the study, the researchers pointed out that kidney disease-related deaths in the U.S. have risen by 58 percent, from around 52,100 in 2002 to 82,500 in 2016.

For senior author Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, this development is a step in the wrong direction, despite the advancements made in other chronic health conditions.

“Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease is known as a ‘silent epidemic’ because many people don’t realize they have it until the disease is at an advanced stage,” he added. “It is particularly concerning that chronic kidney disease is becoming more common in younger people.”

The researchers believe that this increase is, in part, driven by the prevalence of high-sugar, high-salt diets, as well as the current obesity epidemic. These diets increase the toxins that the kidneys have to remove from the body, which can wear the organs out earlier. That, coupled with metabolic problems, might account for the sharp rise in cases of chronic kidney disease — which researchers noted is the highest among all non-infectious diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung diseases, cirrhosis, and mental illness.

This increase, despite medical advances in treatments for cardiovascular disease and cancer, highlights the need for new research that will address this debilitating condition, according to the researchers.

“Similarly, the increase in chronic kidney disease reflects a relative stagnation in new treatments,” Al-Aly explained. “There have been no major advances to slow or reverse kidney disease during the past two decades.”

Currently, over 30 million American adults have chronic kidney disease — with most of them undiagnosed.

Protect your kidneys with these natural and non-toxic therapies

Chronic kidney disease is indeed a serious condition, but it’s one that can be prevented early on with some changes in a person’s lifestyle. In particular, a healthy diet and proper supplementation can dramatically reduce a person’s likelihood of developing chronic kidney disease.

  • Try supplementing with CoQ10 or vitamin E. A previous study on the effects of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) found that just 180 mg of this antioxidant for 12 weeks can halt the progression of end-stage kidney disease — and even slow it down. Meanwhile, taking vitamin E can protect the kidneys from oxidative stress. If a person is interested in trying out which supplement is better for his condition, it’s best to speak with a healthcare professional before starting.
  • Follow a healthy diet. This is sage advice for any occasion, with multiple studies backing up the importance of a nutritious diet for kidney health. According to a previous study from Columbia University, going for a Mediterranean diet – which involves a healthy amount of fruits, vegetables, milk, and monounsaturated fats and oils – can lower the risk of chronic kidney disease. Likewise, consuming a diet filled with processed foods and added sugars can further weaken or damage the kidneys.
  • Get enough hydration. For healthy people looking to prevent kidney damage, getting at least eight glasses of water a day can greatly help prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections that can lead to chronic kidney disease. However, those who already have chronic kidney disease should seek out the advice of a healthcare professional to guide them on how much water they should drink.

Find more tips on how to naturally heal the kidneys at NaturalCures.news.

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