Try these natural cures to ease migraines and headache pain

Migraines can often be debilitating. More severe than common headaches, migraines are characterized by frequent, throbbing head pain, as well as nausea, chills, and a sensitivity to light and sound. People prone to or suffering from migraines should be careful with the food they eat. Certain foods might trigger onset, while others may be useful in treating them.

There can be many causes for migraines, such as an individual’s sensitivity to certain triggers, genetics, stress, and fatigue, but usually, migraines are connected to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels in one’s head. They can be particularly bad when the symptoms include visual or sensory impairments, which are often called “auras.” If you’ve ever had a severe migraine, you know how dreadful they can be, but if you haven’t, why wait to experience it in the first place? You can easily take certain nutrients to protect yourself from migraines ever occurring or even prevent future cases from happening. (Related: Constantly having migraines? Supplement with these 3 nutrients to avoid getting them in the first place.)

Natural remedies for treating migraines

Perhaps you were unable to avoid a migraine, or you may even be experiencing one right now. What should you do to treat it? Fortunately, there are many natural remedies to help ease migraine pain. Here are some ways to treat migraines naturally:

  1. Feverfew. This flowering herb has often been used as a folk remedy for treating migraines. It is helpful in relieving the symptoms of migraines without any side effects.
  2. Ginger. Ginger is known for having a positive effect against migraines while also having minimal side effects. It can help decrease the severity and duration of migraines as well as ease symptoms of nausea.
  3. Foods rich in magnesium. A deficiency in magnesium is often connected to migraines and headaches. Take plenty of magnesium-rich foods to help prevent migraines with an aura as well as menstrual-related migraines. Excellent sources of magnesium include almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, cashews, peanut butter, oatmeal, eggs, and milk.
  4. Regular massages. Reduce the frequency of migraines and improve your stress levels and sleep quality by having a weekly massage. If you suffer from chronic headaches and migraine-related nausea, you could also have an acupressure session for quick pain relief.
  5. Essential oils. Use essential oils to prevent and combat migraine pain. Peppermint oil or a menthol solution may be applied directly to the forehead to avoid the onset of migraines. If you are currently suffering a migraine, you can ease your pain by inhaling lavender oil for 15 minutes. You may also dilute it, then apply it directly to the temples.
  6. Yoga. Yoga utilizes a combination of techniques involving breathing, meditation and different body postures to relieve anxiety, release tension in migraine-trigger areas and support your overall health and well-being. It can be helpful in decreasing the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraines.
  7. Biofeedback. This relaxation method teaches you to manage your autonomic reactions to stress. It is useful in dealing with migraines brought on by stress.

Potential migraine triggers

Just as some foods are natural remedies for migraines, others might cause or trigger them. Here are some foods you will want to avoid if you are prone to having migraines:

  1. Foods that contain nitrates. They might taste delicious, but hot dogs, deli meats, bacon, and sausages are a no-no when it comes to migraine prevention.
  2. Certain dairy products. As a source of magnesium, organic milk is fine for regular consumption, but some dairy products may trigger migraines. Certain kinds of cheese, such as blue cheese, feta cheese, Parmesan, and Swiss cheese contain the naturally occurring compound tyramine, which is linked to migraines. Cultured dairy products, such as buttermilk, sour cream and yogurt should also be avoided. Unfortunately, chocolates may also be potential triggers.
  3. Foods that contain flavor enhancers. Some flavor enhancers, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) and the natural sweetener, aspartame, have also been linked with the causes of migraines.

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